Hammerspoon code mouse click
Hammerspoon code mouse click

hammerspoon code mouse click

hammerspoon code mouse click

This is an instantaneous poll of the current mouse buttons, not a callback.This function is a wrapper to hs.eventtap.checkMouseButtons.Special hash tag synonyms for left (button 1), right (button 2), and middle (button 3) are also set to true if these buttons are currently being pressed.Returns an array containing indices starting from 1 up to the highest numbered button currently being pressed where the index is true if the button is currently pressed or false if it is not.Returns a table containing the current mouse buttons being pressed at this instant. This is determined using the "hotspot" value of the cursor. This function can also return daVinciResolveHorizontalArrows, when hovering over mouse-draggable text-boxes in DaVinci Resolve.Possible values include: arrowCursor, contextualMenuCursor, closedHandCursor, crosshairCursor, disappearingItemCursor, dragCop圜ursor, dragLinkCursor, IBeamCursor, operationNotAllowedCursor, pointingHandCursor, resizeDownCursor, resizeLeftCursor, resizeLeftRightCursor, resizeRightCursor, resizeUpCursor, resizeUpDownCursor, IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout or unknown if the cursor type cannot be determined.Gets the identifier of the current mouse cursor type. This function considers any mouse labelled as "Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad" to be an internal mouse.This function leverages code from ManyMouse.The number of mice connected to your system.includeInternal - A boolean which sets whether or not you want to include internal Trackpad's in the count.Gets the total number of mice connected to your system. If a point table parameter is supplied, the mouse pointer position will be set and the new co-ordinates returned If no parameters are supplied, the current position will be returned.A point table containing the absolute x and y co-ordinates of the mouse pointer.An optional point table containing the absolute x and y co-ordinates to move the mouse pointer to.Get or set the absolute co-ordinates of the mouse pointer

hammerspoon code mouse click

Functions - API calls offered directly by the extensionĪPI Documentation Functions absolutePosition Signature.This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. Misrepresented as being the original software. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be.Product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be

#Hammerspoon code mouse click software#

  • The origin of this software must not be misrepresented you must notĬlaim that you wrote the original software.
  • Including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute itįreely, subject to the following restrictions: Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. This module is based primarily on code from the previous incarnation of Mjolnir by Steven Degutis. Inspect/manipulate the position of the mouse pointer Hammerspoon docs: hs.mouse docs » hs.mouse absolutePosition () local curr_abs_x = curr_absolute_pos local curr_abs_y = curr_absolute_pos -print('current absolute position: ', curr_abs_x, curr_abs_y) if ( key = 'H' ) then -print('go mouse left') to_xy_pos =, 'I', function () -print('- click') local curr_absolute_pos = hs. getRelativePosition () local curr_absolute_pos = hs. 2022.03.23 - sng_hn.lee - mouse 움직이도록 설ㅏ function move_click_mouse () - local function func_move_mouse_hjkl ( key ) local step_x_size = 30.

    Hammerspoon code mouse click