Farming simulator league
Farming simulator league

farming simulator league farming simulator league

It takes more wheat to increase your multiplier each time, so keeping track of when to sell to improve your bonus will be important. Also, each team has a village where you can sell excess wheat to increase your points multiplier. For example, when you drive over a bridge, it will raise in the air for a short period of time your opponent’s matching bridge will also raise, allowing you to cut them off temporarily. There are some extra mechanics to be aware of that will make the game more strategic. The multiplier can be increased by selling wheat in a nearby village. The first bale delivered awards double points. The bale drop-off has two options: a lower door that gives ten points per bale and an upper door that grants 10 points times the team’s multiplier per bale. The Field Phase: Each team must now harvest, bale and drop off as many wheat bales as they can to collect points.There are a limited number of each, so each team must focus on snagging at least one of each type or they will lose the game. The corresponding landing pod on the opposing team’s side of the map will turn off, meaning they cannot then claim that exact vehicle. Once a member of one team has entered a vehicle, that vehicle is claimed for their team. The Pod Phase: Teams rush on their tractors to landing pods containing balers and harvesters.These power play bonuses will likely need extra balancing before the first FSL tournament, and they weren’t described in detail, but include things like “Shorter bridge cooldown: Your bridges lower earlier” and Herbicide: Increased grain yield.” There is also a power play selection portion. Teams must come out of this phase with at least one tractors that can press bales and one that can deliver and stack bales. Next, players will take turns selecting tractors. The Ban/Pick Phase: Captains will first ban tractors, two each.

Farming simulator league